Stop Addictive Behaviors
From holding you back in life!

American culture and society propagates the misconception that people who develop an addiction will inevitably succumb to a disease-state that they must cope with for the rest of their life. Many rehabilitation programs out there base their recovery model on fallacies and entrain their clients to believe they can never have complete control over their addictive behaviors. For that reason, many people feel that they are powerless to overcome addiction. The reality is there is no scientific research that supports the “once an addict always an addict” model of addiction recovery. There is, however, scientific research that helps us understand how addictions develop in the brain. It IS possible to STOP ADDICTION and retrain your brain to embark in healthier states and activities!
Addictions develop in ALMOST the same manner as forming a habit.
An addiction differs from habit formation when it becomes amplified because there is the inclusion of a feeling of reward that incentivizes and motivates the repeated pursuit of the substance or behavior.
A person might, for example, ingest a substance, or over-indulge in food. That behavior can begin to intensely activate the brain’s pathways of reward and reinforcement by engaging the neurotransmitter dopamine. Because the neurotransmitter dopamine has flooded the system, this can cause a person to desire more of the stimulant. All of this can spur the onset of an addiction.
To stop addiction, we work to develop new pathways in the brain and redirect the reward system to feed and support those new pathways. As the neurotransmitters travel across these new pathways more and more, the old ones eventually become pruned, or die off from lack of use. Hypnosis helps expedite the process of re-wiring the brain and in installing behaviors and outcomes that people desire to achieve. For this reason, Hypnosis is highly regarded as an extremely proficient tool, helping people to take back control from unwanted habits and addictions.
If you are struggling to overcome an addiction of any kind contact and would like to know more book a strategy session and let’s further discuss how utilizing Hypnosis can empower you to achieve the results you desire.

You can Beat Addictions
And Lead the life you want to live
- Learn techniques to re-wire your brain away from addiction.
- Manage the emotions that lead to cravings.
- Develop empowering strategies putting yourself in control.
If you’re curious about how I work with clients struggling with addiction, the best way to get started is to have a strategy call. Schedule your free virtual call today and let’s discuss your specific needs and goals.